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The C.A.R.E. Club
Counselors Aligned, Replenished, & Empowered

Therapy is heavy work. We deal with heavy issues as our clients bring to us their deepest wounding for healing. And, being that we're also human, experiencing the ups and downs of life in our own flavors, we’re inevitably going to get triggered by what our clients bring in. 


Hey-you know those annoying or disempowering things that you see your clients doing, in session or in their own lives? Yeah, we do them too. Oops. Here’s a chance to see yourself in a new way and heal your own defense mechanisms. Because we are our clients! We can only do quality counseling when we’re doing our own shadow work.


So What is the C.A.R.E. Club?


This is a gathering of therapists, counselors, psychologists, and social workers who realize that they sometimes forget to include themselves in their own care and compassion, feel overstretched, unclear of where their clients end and they begin, and basically tends to help everybody else and put everybody else above their own well-being.


This is for those who experience the above and want to do, be, and feel better-for themselves, their families, and yes, for their clients.


Do you forget to stay in touch with yourself and lose sight of how you feel? Do you push off addressing your own past traumas that got triggered with your clients because you want to be there for everyone else so badly? You’ll get to yourself eventually, right? That's what we will address in C.A.R.E.


Want  to  Know  if  you're  a
Thriving Therapist  or  a  Self-Toxic Therapist? 

Take this quiz to find out!

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